

Why Should Some Airport Duty Free Stores Use ICAO STEBs?

ICAO STEBs For Airport Duty Free Stores

ICAO STEBs also called security tamper evident bags. They are ideal for all airlines and airport duty free stores. Each bag will have single handle for easier carry and inner pouch for receipt.


Each ICAO STEBs Bags will have State/Manufacture Code and should be printed with ICAO logo.

Retailers will use the inventory code to manage the retailer’s inventory to ensure that no one steal and mishandle the no empty STEBs.

Scan the inventory code during the sale to carefully manage the STEBs inventory in the store.

icao stebs

To ensure proper security control of the supply chain processes, retailers will use safety equipment. In order to keep all options open, you can choose unique numbers, two-dimensional barcodes, RFID chips, and so on.

Only a listed of manufacturers of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) are able to provide for International Airport and Duty Free Shops.

So why airport duty free stores use STEBs?

The ICAO STEBs are designed to secure LAGs (Liquids, Aerosols & Gels) purchased at airport duty free stores.

To prevent departing passengers bring threaten liquid from making devastating consequences.

Customers who buy from duty free store cannot open the ICAO STEBs bag until final destination.

If someone tamper the bag ,the custom may confiscate the contents.

If someone has tried to tamper with the bag to remove the contents, it will show tamper evidence.

The current ICAO guidelines on security controls for LAGs are effective in mitigating the threat posed by liquid explosives.

And should remain in effect and universally implemented by all Member States until effective, efficient and widely adoptable detection technology becomes available that will facilitate the gradual replacement of the current restrictions.


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